Saturday, October 08, 2011

Video: "Invade Wall Street" Operation Terminated by Anonymous !!!

A Message from TheAnonMessage

Hello, citizens of the world. My name is TheAnonMessage. I speak on behalf of myself and the Anonymous collective. I would like to point out a few things regarding my channel, my mission, and the two notorious videos that were posted by me almost a week ago.

My mission is very simple: To bring viewers of YouTube easy access to documents made by fellow An ons from AnonOps in a creative yet simple form of video. I am a messenger of Anonymous just as it says in my name. I aknowledge that I am NOT the messenger of the ENTIRE collective, but I represent the majority. The documents I choose to make videos out of involve several announcements of operations, new factions, and general news and information on Anonymous. Apparently, this time, I have not been entirely successful in completing my mandate, which is to bring the people of the world general news and information on Anonymous.

The last two videos up loaded "Operation Invade Wall Street: A Message to the Media" and "Operation Invade Wall Street: A Message to the People" were part of an operation formed by a group of An ons in AnonOps which was officially called hashtag operation invade wall street.

I did not support that particular message. But as a messenger, I had to address it, thinking it was justified by AnonOps.

I was mistaken.

Therefore, I would like to state my sincere apologies to anyone who was misinformed or dismayed by any of the two videos. I am sorry if any of the two videos caused any shaken trust in either me, this channel, or the Anonymous collective. I should have known the following:

-Anonymous would never tell the people to use LOIC after it has created consequences during our attacks of Operation Payback.
-Anonymous would never issue an attack on N Y S E during a holiday, as it is completely irrelevant.
-Anonymous would find it completely unnecessary to use a Distributed Denial Of Service attack on N Y S E dot com as it does not control or contribute to any stock trade or exchange of bonds within the one percent.
-Anonymous would find it plainly stupid to announce the attack 10 days before the attack takes effect. We do usual attacks quickly and swiftly.

As of now, operation invade wall street has been terminated. Many people could still proceed with attacking N Y S E. They will do it at their own risk. I do not support this because it is dangerous and a call for massive arrests. If you wish to proceed, remember to take the necessary precautions to hide yourself. If you are not an experienced hacker, do not, and I mean this, do not get involved. You will be putting yourself into trouble. Be ware. I will keep the existing two videos as they contain annotated information that will spread throughout the embedded videos.

Before I end this video, I would also like to address one more issue.

For those who are calling me a COINTELPRO agent, I am not. I am a fellow human being who is also part of the 99%. I, equally, do not like how this system is controlling us. I also want the change you want.

You may not know who I really am, where I live, or what age I am, whether I work or not, whether I have a family or not: But you can be certain that I am just like you. I could be your co-worker. I could be your neighbor. I could be your friend. Because remember, deep inside, we are all, Anonymous.

We are all one Legion.
We never forgive corruption.
We never forget mistreatment.

To those who want to harm any innocent people, seek to rob them, or rid them of their values and freedoms, always, expect us.

TheAnonMessage just uploaded a video:
This is a personal message regarding me, my channel, Anonymous, and the two videos uploaded by me almost a week ago.


Hello, citizens of the world. My name is TheAnonMessage. I speak on behalf of myself and the Anonymous collective. I would like to point out a few things regarding my channel, my mission, and the two notorious videos that were posted by me almost a week ago.

My mission is very simple: To bring viewers of YouTube easy access to documents made by fellow An ons from AnonOps in a creative yet simple form of video. I am a messenger of Anonymous just as it says in my name. I aknowledge that I am NOT the messenger of the ENTIRE collective, but I represent the majority. The documents I choose to make videos out of involve several announcements of operations, new factions, and general news and information on Anonymous. Apparently, this time, I have not been entirely successful in completing my mandate, which is to bring the people of the... More

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