Given that Facebook was originally started by college students, for college students, it’s no surprise that it has become irreversibly engrained in the institution of higher education. Though it started off, in the eyes of many, as harmless fun, it’s astronomical increase in popularity over the last several years has caused alarm. Sensational news articles about Facebook ‘ruining grades’ or ‘depressing students’ pop up seemingly every week, and concerned parents and educators fear that the overlord of social media has become a source of corrupting the youth. Not even the older, more mature students populating graduate programs across the country are immune: studies show that social media is used nearly as ubiquitously by Phd and master’s students as by undergrads. Luckily, there is hope: a slew of recent studies into the effects of Facebook on students have found that it’s not Facebook itself that counts, but the way that you use it. And if you use it right, you can engage with your school, your professors, and your studies in productive ways you never thought could actually enrich your college experience.

Created by: Online PhD
This infographic by gives insight into the numerous benefits of social media tools for college students.
Here are some of the interesting points from the infographic:
- College students spend an average of 100 minutes a day on Facebook
- 82 percent of American universities have Facebook pages to reach out to prospective students
- 60% of students have their faculty members as friends on Facebook
- More engaged students spend time creating and RSVPing to events on Facebook, the less engaged ones spend time playing games on the site.
Apart from following Facebook pages of universities and educational websites, students can also make use of educational apps on the site. Here are some of the useful Facebook apps for students:
- AdmissionSplash: Tells students about their likelihood of being accepted to a school
- Connect Fund: Informs students of the financial aid options
- Schools App: Helps new students make friends, get involved and share interests with the community of students
- Hoot.Me: An app that connects the study group to the students, providing them with updates on the projects that others are working on, encouraging them to collaborate and participate.
Created by: Online PhD
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